Learning from student census assessment tests and the perception of the educational quality of a private educational institution





Learning, Educational evaluation, Educational quality


It is more than known that the society of knowledge and information, changed the sense of "educate", this new paradigm has forced to establish supranational policies, state policies and changes of a new vision in schools with the commitment to manage quality systems so that they cannot neglect this responsibility in order to generate this change. In this sense, the purpose of this work is to analyze the relationship between learning outcomes in ECE tests and the perception of educational quality by the main users of the secondary level of a private educational institution in the Callao region during the 2018 period. In the present investigation, surveys were applied to 02 directors, 36 teachers at the initial and primary level, 723 students at the initial and primary level, 08 administrative personnel, and 385 parents. The results showed that the ECE tests are significantly related to the perception of educational quality by the main users of the educational institution.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Learning from student census assessment tests and the perception of the educational quality of a private educational institution. (2021). Journal of the Academy, 4, 90-123. https://doi.org/10.47058/joa4.6