



Creativity, Personal development, Entrepreneurial Ideas, Life Proyect., Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship in recent years has had a significant impact within its various environments, due to the capacities and abilities that people have to undertake; Finally, the training of high school students in entrepreneurship and management must be aimed at promoting a vision of the future that leads them to the achievement of personal goals and that these can be applied in their daily lives. The objective is to learn about entrepreneurial ideas and their relationship with the life project of high school students. A quantitative approach methodology was developed, based on the application of the inductive-deductive method, the data collection was carried out through a survey of teachers and students. The results show that entrepreneurship and management teachers guide the student with entrepreneurial ideas, providing medium and long-term goals in the development of the life project; On the other hand, the students state that entrepreneurship is an opportunity that requires effort and economic benefit, highlighting responsibility as one of the characteristics that every entrepreneur must have. It is concluded that the students envision having an enterprise within the construction of the life project, through the dialogue, orientation and motivation that the teacher originates during the training process.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LIFE PROJECT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. (2022). Journal of the Academy, 7, 111-132. https://doi.org/10.47058/joa7.5