Evaluative perception of university students in the use of technological resources in learning mathematics





computational mathematics, Computer algebra system perception survey, mathematics teaching, learning and assessment


In the last years we are known the emergence of many different computer algebra system (CAS), with a large range of capacity and accessibility, having a large impact in the manner how instructors teach, and students learn mathematics. In that context, this paper intends to search about how students perceive the importance of the using these tools in theirs teaching-learning process. Positive feedback will allow to develop new perspective in the processes of teaching, learning and assessment. The search instrument consisted in 13 items in which student responded about the importance they give to mathematical application at the instance when they learn, practice an apply mathematics. After analyzing the result, we may conclude, among others results that: student strongly agree about the importance of using CAS in mathematical courses, but in the other hand, they also value the using on “pencil-paper” method to acquire mathematical skillful; besides, they consider that it gives them better capability to face future employability.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluative perception of university students in the use of technological resources in learning mathematics. (2023). Journal of the Academy, 9, 184-202. https://doi.org/10.47058/joa9.11